What about . . . . YOGA?
“From ancient Hinduism comes the idea that universal energy flows from the air we breathe (hence the word prana, from the Sanskrit word for “breath”). The various schools of yoga place much emphasis on breathing techniques and exercises, known as prana yama which are said to concentrate prana from the air and distribute it throughout the body. While we might tend to think of yoga as a series of exercises for improving flexibility and muscle tone, yogic practices are intended to produce altered states of consciousness. The word yoga means “yoke” or “union”. Yogic exercises are ultimately intended to produce an experience of union with Brahman, the god of Hinduism. The widespread availability of yoga classes has unfortunately given these practices an air of innocence and spiritual neutrality which they scarcely deserve. One should not take yoga’s mystical underpinnings and occult ties lightly.
To understand Yoga, you must understand “chakras” and “kundalini”. Both are loaded with mystical and sexual overtones. The kindalini is a goddess as well as a snake, and she lies in three and one-half coils in her cave (kanda) at the base of the spine. The purpose of yoga is to rouse the sleeping kundalini so that she stretches, hisses, and writhes her way up through the sushumma channel to the top of the head where the Lord Shiva, third god of the Hindu trinity, abides. Shiva represents pure consciousness, and kundalini is a power of the goddess Shakti. The aim of yoga is accomplished with the union or marriage of Shiva and Shakti.” [New Age Medicine, A Christian Perspective on Holistic Health, Reisser, M.D. & Weldon.]
“The various positions and breathing exercises in Yoga are to prepare the body so that the demon god called Kundalini can actually enter into the body and flow through it! Yoga is specifically for the purpose of opening up the practitioner to the entrance of demons. For instance, a common yoga position called “The Cobra” is thus described in the book of Yoga, ‘By the position of this posture the serpent goddess awakes’. The twelve positions used for warm-up exercises in Yoga are each a position of posture of worship of the sun god. They are traditionally performed at dawn, facing the sun.” [Prepare for War, R. Brown]
“Yoga teaches breath control and postures, which are designed to allow adepts to concentrate without having their minds distracted by extraneous things. By concentrating on progressively more abstract concepts, yogis achieve higher and higher meditative states, culminating in a contentless trance that constitutes liberation. The ultimate goal is levitation, projection of the mind into other bodies, and spiritual sight.” [The Biblical Guide to Alternative Medicine, Dr. Neil Anderson & Dr. Michael Jacobson.]
“The postures of Yoga are designed to condition the mind to experience an altered state of consciousness. Each pose is presumed to be tuning the body, glands, and psychic nervous system to a level of spiritual susceptibility and altered awareness. Hindu Yoga teachers have long defined this discipline as religious both in goal and in practice. Can it then be casually disassociated from its pagan origins simply because a Western teacher redefines its intent?” [Larson’s Book of World Religions and Alternative Spirituality]
“Through the different breathing exercises in the practice of Yoga and by willfully emptying the mind through concentrated meditation, a shift of consciousness occurs in the mind, very similar to the drug-induced state of the shaman or sorcerer. A doorway to the spirit realm is then opened through the mind and a demonic spiritual connection is made within the spirit of the person. The person is now ‘free’ to have all kinds of spiritual experiences, especially the sensation that they are now one with God. This is what is meant by the New Age term ‘self-realization’. In reality, it is sorcery because any entrance into the spirit realm through any means other than Jesus Christ is the same as witchcraft (Gal. 5:20). Isaiah 2:6 says, ‘Surely Lord, you have rejected and forsaken your people, the house of Jacob, because they are filled with customs from the east and with soothsayers who foretell like the Philistines.’
There is no such thing as ‘Christian yoga. Some Christians believe they can participate in yoga for exercise while meditating on the Holy Spirit. But in every way it is linked with an ancient religious system of worship to the Sun god, Baal. Many occultists have written about this method of entrance and travel through the astral realm.
Jesus said in John 10:7, ‘I am the door of the sheep’. Because man is a spiritual creature, he searches for spiritual experiences, sometimes through doorways other than Jesus. God loves us and truly desires to give us spiritual gifts and experiences so that we may know Him better (Eph. 1:15-23). It is through faith and a relationship with Him that the Lord gives us all we need to bless us and to make us a blessing to others.
If you have had any past involvement with yoga, ask the Lord’s forgiveness. Then renounce sorcery and the spirits of yoga and command them to go in the name of Jesus. Destroy all mats, clothing, videos, and music associated with yoga to break the enemy’s power and let him know you mean business. Spirits associated with yoga are: Antichrist, divination, Python, Leviathan, Kundalini, Shiva, delusion, deception, and seducing spirits. Next, confess that Jesus is Lord, the only Christ, and true Son of God. Finally, ask God to close every doorway into the spirit realm that you have opened through the practice of yoga. By doing this you are taking the Sword of the Spirit and severing the serpent and his works.” [ DAnne Loper & Kathie Walters—Internet]
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Pass it on.
Compiled by:
Safe Harbor Ministries
[email protected]
“From ancient Hinduism comes the idea that universal energy flows from the air we breathe (hence the word prana, from the Sanskrit word for “breath”). The various schools of yoga place much emphasis on breathing techniques and exercises, known as prana yama which are said to concentrate prana from the air and distribute it throughout the body. While we might tend to think of yoga as a series of exercises for improving flexibility and muscle tone, yogic practices are intended to produce altered states of consciousness. The word yoga means “yoke” or “union”. Yogic exercises are ultimately intended to produce an experience of union with Brahman, the god of Hinduism. The widespread availability of yoga classes has unfortunately given these practices an air of innocence and spiritual neutrality which they scarcely deserve. One should not take yoga’s mystical underpinnings and occult ties lightly.
To understand Yoga, you must understand “chakras” and “kundalini”. Both are loaded with mystical and sexual overtones. The kindalini is a goddess as well as a snake, and she lies in three and one-half coils in her cave (kanda) at the base of the spine. The purpose of yoga is to rouse the sleeping kundalini so that she stretches, hisses, and writhes her way up through the sushumma channel to the top of the head where the Lord Shiva, third god of the Hindu trinity, abides. Shiva represents pure consciousness, and kundalini is a power of the goddess Shakti. The aim of yoga is accomplished with the union or marriage of Shiva and Shakti.” [New Age Medicine, A Christian Perspective on Holistic Health, Reisser, M.D. & Weldon.]
“The various positions and breathing exercises in Yoga are to prepare the body so that the demon god called Kundalini can actually enter into the body and flow through it! Yoga is specifically for the purpose of opening up the practitioner to the entrance of demons. For instance, a common yoga position called “The Cobra” is thus described in the book of Yoga, ‘By the position of this posture the serpent goddess awakes’. The twelve positions used for warm-up exercises in Yoga are each a position of posture of worship of the sun god. They are traditionally performed at dawn, facing the sun.” [Prepare for War, R. Brown]
“Yoga teaches breath control and postures, which are designed to allow adepts to concentrate without having their minds distracted by extraneous things. By concentrating on progressively more abstract concepts, yogis achieve higher and higher meditative states, culminating in a contentless trance that constitutes liberation. The ultimate goal is levitation, projection of the mind into other bodies, and spiritual sight.” [The Biblical Guide to Alternative Medicine, Dr. Neil Anderson & Dr. Michael Jacobson.]
“The postures of Yoga are designed to condition the mind to experience an altered state of consciousness. Each pose is presumed to be tuning the body, glands, and psychic nervous system to a level of spiritual susceptibility and altered awareness. Hindu Yoga teachers have long defined this discipline as religious both in goal and in practice. Can it then be casually disassociated from its pagan origins simply because a Western teacher redefines its intent?” [Larson’s Book of World Religions and Alternative Spirituality]
“Through the different breathing exercises in the practice of Yoga and by willfully emptying the mind through concentrated meditation, a shift of consciousness occurs in the mind, very similar to the drug-induced state of the shaman or sorcerer. A doorway to the spirit realm is then opened through the mind and a demonic spiritual connection is made within the spirit of the person. The person is now ‘free’ to have all kinds of spiritual experiences, especially the sensation that they are now one with God. This is what is meant by the New Age term ‘self-realization’. In reality, it is sorcery because any entrance into the spirit realm through any means other than Jesus Christ is the same as witchcraft (Gal. 5:20). Isaiah 2:6 says, ‘Surely Lord, you have rejected and forsaken your people, the house of Jacob, because they are filled with customs from the east and with soothsayers who foretell like the Philistines.’
There is no such thing as ‘Christian yoga. Some Christians believe they can participate in yoga for exercise while meditating on the Holy Spirit. But in every way it is linked with an ancient religious system of worship to the Sun god, Baal. Many occultists have written about this method of entrance and travel through the astral realm.
Jesus said in John 10:7, ‘I am the door of the sheep’. Because man is a spiritual creature, he searches for spiritual experiences, sometimes through doorways other than Jesus. God loves us and truly desires to give us spiritual gifts and experiences so that we may know Him better (Eph. 1:15-23). It is through faith and a relationship with Him that the Lord gives us all we need to bless us and to make us a blessing to others.
If you have had any past involvement with yoga, ask the Lord’s forgiveness. Then renounce sorcery and the spirits of yoga and command them to go in the name of Jesus. Destroy all mats, clothing, videos, and music associated with yoga to break the enemy’s power and let him know you mean business. Spirits associated with yoga are: Antichrist, divination, Python, Leviathan, Kundalini, Shiva, delusion, deception, and seducing spirits. Next, confess that Jesus is Lord, the only Christ, and true Son of God. Finally, ask God to close every doorway into the spirit realm that you have opened through the practice of yoga. By doing this you are taking the Sword of the Spirit and severing the serpent and his works.” [ DAnne Loper & Kathie Walters—Internet]
You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Pass it on.
Compiled by:
Safe Harbor Ministries
[email protected]